What is wrong with people, I don't know who pisses me off more with this crap, the mother who is failing to teach her daughter the difference between advertising and '"tricking people," or the jagoff that thinks that the opinion of a nine-year old has the experience and objectivity necessary to be taken seriously.
First off, the little girl's mother is supposedly some sort of 'food activist," which at this point in my life means " Ill informed, anti-business jackhole who wants nothing more than to dictate to others what they may be permitted to place in their mouths." I can't stress this enough: Anyone who teaches their kids that McDoogalss is the bad guy for trying to interest kids in eating at their resturaunt, as opposed to the same parent who lacks the basic maturity and willpower to say no to the kid when the kid asks for a happy meal.
This isn't rocket science, it takes only one syllable to keep your kid from eating too much fast food: No. That's it. No matter how enticing the restaurant might make their food, the kid still isn't the one making the purchasing decisions.
What this means is that, if your kid is overweight because they ate too much McDoogals, it's not McDoogals' fault.
Then there is the Asshat at Cheezburger that wrote the write up on the incident, gushing about how awesome this little girl was, and how she really showed the Ceo of McDonalds when she started spouting rhetoric. Not only was it a bunch of anti-coporate garbage masquerading ad health advocacy, but the author displayed a complete lack of scepticism at why a nine-year-old would have these opinions, opinions that are more like something an adult would say.
The fact that the author was gushing about the nine-year-old, as if her repeating tired rhetoric made her some kind of genius was disturbing. It bothers me because the author showed an inability to recognize that the girl displayed the very lack of critical thinking necessary to be a successful investigative journalist as the author claimed the girl had the talent for.
Ultimately, this boils down to an inability to recognize that any business has not only the right, but the responsibility to make their product as desirable as possible, and that parents have the responsibility to ensure that their kids are eating a healthy diet. To blame McdDoogals for your kid being fat is unfair to McDoogals, since they are simply trying to earn business, they do not have any magical powers to force you to eat there.
BTW, I took a break from writing this to do some running around with my friend, and he said that all the talk about cheeseburger made him want one, so we stopped by McDoogals and got a couple of dollar cheeseburgers. Sorry little girl, you lose this round.